MB-043 Hematite – Onyx – Lava Bracelet


Hematite is a stone that is most commonly — and most strongly — used to ground or stabilize, and for protection. In spiritual work, hematite is an excellent stone to help keep yourself also connected to the Earth plane, as some would say via the silver cord, so that your spiritual learnings and travels can be done safely and things learned can be brought back to daily life more easily. Emotionally, hematite decreases negativity.


Some people wear Onyx jewelry so that they can improve their memory, bring balance to their mind, or reduce their stress. The idea that it can alleviate negative feelings remains pervasive in that wearing Onyx jewelry is still believed to help you keep pessimism away, to do away with negative thoughts.

Lava stone also contains a powerful calming energy. Therefore, it calms and relaxes the mind and thoughts. It also brings balance to your emotions. It as a great stone for anxiety, fear and worry. Another Lava Stone Spiritual Meaning is fire and intensity.

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